LOLサプライズ OMG ウィンターディスコ おもちゃ グッズ フィギュア 人形 ファッションドール L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Winter Disco Cosmic Nova Fashion Doll & Sister
LOLサプライズ OMG ウィンターディスコ ファッションドール フィギュア 人形 グッズ L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Winter Disco Cosmic Nova Fashion Doll & Sister
L.O.L. Surprise!
L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Winter Disco Cosmic Nova Fashion Doll & Sister
7.6 × 30.5 × 30.5
・Collect all 4 L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Winter disco fashion dolls. Can you find the ultra-rare snow surprise? ・Cosmic Nova has stunning features and styled hair articulated for tons of poses and she comes with her little sister L.O.L. Surprise! character cosmic Queen. Dress cosmic Nova in her fierce fashions and fabulous accessories. Pro tip: hands are removable for easy dressing. ・Package becomes reusable Playset with a dressing room and chill out area. Includes fashion doll L.O.L. Surprise! doll fashions Garment bags shoes shoebox accessories hat box purse hair brush doll stand and reusable package Playset in an all new unboxing experience. ・Collect all 4 L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Winter disco fashion dolls. Can you find the ultra-rare snow surprise?
LOLサプライズ OMG ウィンターディスコ ファッションドール フィギュア 人形 グッズ L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Winter Disco Cosmic Nova Fashion Doll & Sister
・Cosmic Nova has stunning features and styled hair articulated for tons of poses and she comes with her little sister L.O.L. Surprise! character cosmic Queen. Dress cosmic Nova in her fierce fashions and fabulous accessories. Pro tip: hands are removable for easy dressing.
・Package becomes reusable Playset with a dressing room and chill out area. Includes fashion doll L.O.L. Surprise! doll fashions Garment bags shoes shoebox accessories hat box purse hair brush doll stand and reusable package Playset in an all new unboxing experience.
・Collect all 4 L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Winter disco fashion dolls. Can you find the ultra-rare snow surprise?
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LOLサプライズ OMG ウィンターディスコ ファッションドール フィギュア 人形 グッズ L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Winter Disco Cosmic Nova Fashion Doll & Sister