セイコーロードマチックスペシャル SEIKO LORDMATIC SPECIAL 23JEWELS 趣味で集めていましたが手放す事にしました。 製造番号から1976年製と思われます。 純正ベルトですが、数カ所欠けがあります。オーバーホールはしていません。出品にあたり着用しましたが不自由はしない程度のズレでした。
古いものですので【ジャンク品】扱いとさせていただきます。画像をご覧ください。古い機械式時計に理解ある方とのお取り引きを希望します。 細いキズ等ございますので神経質な方はご遠慮ください。プロフィールをお読みいただきご理解いただける方との取引を希望します。 Seiko Roadmatic Special I used to collect them as a hobby, but I decided to let them go. I think it was made in 1976 based on the serial number. Although it is a genuine belt, there are a few chips. No overhaul has been done. I wore it when I put it up for sale, but there was just enough misalignment that it didn"t cause any inconvenience.
Since it is an old item, it will be treated as [junk item]. Please see the image. I would like to do business with someone who understands old mechanical watches. There are some small scratches, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive. We would like to do business with someone who has read and understood our profile. #機械式時計 #SEIKO #セイコー #たにきんれこ〜ず 腕時計等出品中。
Seiko Roadmatic Special
I used to collect them as a hobby, but I decided to let them go.
I think it was made in 1976 based on the serial number.
Although it is a genuine belt, there are a few chips. No overhaul has been done. I wore it when I put it up for sale, but there was just enough misalignment that it didn"t cause any inconvenience.
Since it is an old item, it will be treated as [junk item]. Please see the image. I would like to do business with someone who understands old mechanical watches.
There are some small scratches, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive.
We would like to do business with someone who has read and understood our profile.
#機械式時計 #SEIKO #セイコー
#たにきんれこ〜ず 腕時計等出品中。