ゼブラ/デルガード替芯 0.3 hb /p-lds10-hb ゼブラ 4901681547517 ゼブラ デルガードシャープ替芯0.3 HB P-LDS10-HB 商品詳細: デルガード替芯に携帯しやすい丸筒ケース入りが新登場。 ●芯径:0.3mm ●芯濃さ:HB ●芯入数:20本 ●本体長:80mm The product details: Entering round sheath of a lance case which it is easy to carry to Dell guard extra lead debuts. ●Core diameter: 0.3mm ●Core deepness: HB ●A number with core: 20 ●This length: 80mm
ゼブラ デルガードシャープ替芯0.3 HB P-LDS10-HB
商品詳細: デルガード替芯に携帯しやすい丸筒ケース入りが新登場。
The product details: Entering round sheath of a lance case which it is easy to carry to Dell guard extra lead debuts.
●Core diameter: 0.3mm
●Core deepness: HB
●A number with core: 20
●This length: 80mm